breechblock (operating) latch

breechblock (operating) latch
защелка рукоятки затвора

English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "breechblock (operating) latch" в других словарях:

  • small arm — small armed, adj. Usually, small arms. a firearm designed to be held in one or both hands while being fired: in the U.S. the term is applied to weapons of a caliber of up to one in. (2.5 cm). [1680 90] * * * ▪ military technology Introduction… …   Universalium

  • Single-shot — This article is about firearms. For other uses, see Single Shot (disambiguation). Single shot firearms are firearms that hold only a single round of ammunition, and must be reloaded after each shot. The history of firearms began with single shot… …   Wikipedia

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